Once scorpions have entered your home, it’s very tough to get them out, mainly because they hide out in hard-to-reach places within floors, walls, and ceilings. That’s why prevention is a much better option. Your best bet is to call your trusted Chandler scorpion treatment experts for ongoing pest management services. However, there are some things you can do on your own to keep scorpions out of your home.
Understanding Scorpion Behavior
Most homeowners don’t know much about scorpions aside from the fact that they are sneaky pests that like to hide under things in the yard or sting you if you reach into the wrong place. In order to prevent their presence, you must first understand scorpion behavior. Here are some FAQs to help you better understand what scorpions are all about.
Can Scorpions Climb Walls?
Some do but not all. Many scorpions crawl around the ground, hiding in cracks and crevices. Bark scorpions are the ones that tend to climb walls, just like they scale the bark on trees (hence, their name). Basically, they climb in search of food.
What Do They Eat In My Yard?
Scorpions search for bugs to eat, primarily spiders, roaches, and crickets. The first step in prevention is to minimize bug activity around your home’s perimeter and exterior walls. Keep your landscape trimmed, pull weeds regularly, and clean out your gutters.
How Tight of a Squeeze Can Scorpions Fit Through?
Pretty tight. Because they are thigmotactic, they prefer to touch things with both their backs and their bellies at the same time. It stands to reason, then, that they like to squeeze into tight spaces. Out in nature, bark scorpions slide underneath tree bark. When trying to get into your home, they slide through the gaps of window frames and building materials. A small scorpion is able to fit through a gap as little as 1/16 of an inch -- the width of a credit card.
Do Scorpions Like Beds?
Yes. In fact, many people find scorpions in their beds. It’s all about that thigmotaxis thing again. They see a gap between a blanket and sheet and decide to crawl in. They get up there by scaling the bed frame or falling from a vent above the bed.
How Do Scorpions Get Into My Shoes?

In most homes, it would be a long journey for a small scorpion to make it to a master bedroom closet. How did it get into your closet – and shoes – crawling all through the house without you noticing? Well, it could have crawled along the floors while you were sleeping (they are nocturnal after all) or it could have traveled there by the ducts in your home, falling into the closet from above. Once there, it will crawl into any tight space it can find, and a shoe is the perfect solution.
Scorpion Prevention in Chandler & Phoenix area
As you can see, it’s a much better scenario if you keep scorpions out of your Phoenix home in the first place. Our Chandler scorpion control technicians can provide treatment if you do suspect an invasion. Call us now at 480-550-9220 for a free quote.